Life In Fast Rewind

Life In Fast Rewind

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Love Lost

I just wrote this. As in about five minutes ago... I watched a romantic comedy and as usual it left me feeling slightly depressed about the state of my lack of love life. So here is the outcome of that.

Love Lost:

They say that it is better
To have loved and lost
Than never to have lost
Or loved at all

Forgive me I cannot
Remember how exactly
They got their words to fall

But the gist it seems
At least to me
Is love, once lost is better still
Than love never borne

I am inclined to agree
For in their simplest terms
I feel the loss that they forewarn

Is love lost a love felt
One need only ask
Someone whose never heard
Love’s urgent call

Excuse me if I’m wrong
But love, even in failure
Leaves traces of it’s fall

The traces are enough
A reminder that it was here
A hope that it will come again
The chance to once more, feel

But a heart that love
Has never touched
That pain is real

And so the better of the loss
The better of the love
Cannot be more aptly known
Than to those whom love has never shown

Thursday, August 11, 2011


So in the English and writing arena, you hear the word Juxtaposition thrown around a lot. It's a nice word that makes you sound smart, so it gets used often. I thought I would write my own little juxtaposition poem, mostly because I was tired of listening to people toss the word around trying to sound intelligent. Plus it was cool...


Quiet talk of screaming passion
I cannot see
Fits of jealous calm pushing
But I
I cannot feel

In me a storm softly rages
I cannot hear
Moments of insane sanity
Well I
I cannot know

You are rock solid and malleable
I cannot move
A deep burning on the surface
And I
I cannot heal

A stillness moving swiftly
I cannot touch
Humans and alien emotions
But I
I cannot feel

Monday, July 25, 2011


I wrote this poem thinking about the popularity of "sexting" right now. I was thinking about the reasons behind it, and how the media, and society, has glamorized the highly sexual female attitude, but at the same time females are degraded if they act this way in real life. It's a double standard that ruins us. 


Sexy dirty E-mail

Lewd and crewd
And lacking

In a world of male and mail

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


So this one I wrote not too long ago. I was just thinking about something someone had said about how poetry is kind of a selfish form of writing. We write it mainly for ourselves, to emote something, and so it is a common idea that poetry is not read, or is not given recognition or attention. So here is my very own selfish work. : )


I don’t expect you
To understand
Only to listen
To care for a moment or two

I don’t in fact rely
On anything
You can say
I left that wish behind

I can’t remember
A moment
Of quiet respite
Heart and home laid

I stop you here
I remove
I am not
Your love

I said my piece
In silent
Moments all combined
Doesn’t matter

Of What Am I

I wrote this poem after my last residency. I was just rumbling along on the train, and I started thinking about how many places I have been and the number of experiences I have had and how, even still, there is so much I know nothing about. So this is what came out.

Of what am I:

Poetic injustice
What of that does my heart know?
What of hurt and pain and sorrow?

Love fable
What of that do I truly feel?
What of joy and happiness have I kept?

Popular sub-culture
What of that do I deserve?
What of labels and non-conforming conformists have I been?

Epic Prosaic
What of hope have I experienced?
What of Romance, and inspiration have I explored?

Of what am I
To where I have been
I am not indebted
For what of them have I known?

Monday, July 11, 2011

A tough pill to swallow

I wrote this poem after an encounter with a guy. It was just a nothing kind of encounter, but it got me thinking about the whole love dynamic and being willing to open yourself up to people and how detrimental it can be when you don't.

A Tough Pill To Swallow

A look
A crowded
Your eyes
Bore into
Crowded mind

I want
More than
I want
Your soul
Heart is

I watch
Your smile
You take
My hand
Soul open

You have
Me in
Parts of
A whole
Inside me

I break
Own Heart
Take me
But I
Let You

A Little intro

SO this is how this blog is going to work.
Each blog title will be the name of the following poem.
I will try and write a little about the poem so you can get a kind of frame of reference for it.
I am going to try and keep myself from posting anything other than poetry on here.
I hope anyone reading will enjoy.
